Circular economy practices immersed in shared value




Shared Value, rethinking, cluster, circular economy, competitiveness


Business competitiveness determines the possibility of profitability in the markets, the Shared Value (SV) provides alternatives through its axes for competitive development. The rise and presence of strategic thinking towards sustainability and respect for the environment, such as Circular Economy (CE) practices are applied in parallel and superficially within the SV or the opportunity to use the principles with actions to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3Rs) of the CE are wasted. Indicators of companies in the Bogotá-Region that apply the 3Rs are described within the axes such as rethinking of products and markets, redefining productivity in the value chain and enabling the development of SV clusters, through content analysis of written communication of 270 companies compiled by the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) and the Bogota Chamber of Commerce (CCB).The classification in units of analysis of the 3Rs framed in categories for each axis is executed. It is presented the contribution to each of the SV axes carried out by 31 companies, classified by size, from the execution of projects involving the 3Rs. It was found that 32% of these projects aim mainly at the first axis, 68% at the second axis while no project involves the third axis. It concludes the little adoption of the CE as part of the SV ignoring its implementation to generate better competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Ceballos Ramírez, G. J., & Morales Suárez, D. (2023). Circular economy practices immersed in shared value. Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 4(1), 35–47.




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