Determination of packaging and augmented reality: a strategic and educational approach
Packaging, augmented reality, marketing, educationAbstract
The purpose of the study was to contribute to the topics of packaging design and augmented reality, as a strategic commercial and didactic tool, in the solution of commercial problems, and teaching and learning. Its objective was: to design, compile, execute and analyze a model in 3D object format and video in Mp4 format in augmented reality. The study was descriptive cross-sectional, applied to undergraduate students of the Product “Design and development component”. The results showed a greater participation of women of legal age; you have some knowledge of augmented reality; Recognition, the interface or instructions for use and the aesthetics of the model were identified as strategic factors in the design; the main characteristics of augmented reality technology were identified, such as the innovative factor, the interactive, the ease of use and the versatility; and as a useful factor learning, analysis of reality and understanding of processes. It has functionality and educational methodological utility and potential for professional service, although it requires more research to measure relationships, effects, predictions and evaluations of projects applied to augmented reality and performance in education and the commercial profession.
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