Motivations and interests in ICT according to the gender of the postgraduate students




gender gap, digitization, postgraduate students, educational technology, interests


With the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of digital technologies has necessarily increased in the educational system. And in this field, research has continued in recent years on how these technologies can help with their implementation to improve the teaching-learning processes of students. However, there is still much controversy today about whether there are differences between the motivations and interests of men and women about ICTs. To find out whether this difference exists or not, research was carried out with 55 postgraduate students, in the subject of "Research in Digital Technology Applied to Education" in a Master's degree in Educational Research of the University of Alicante, in Spain. A descriptive methodology of a quantitative nature was used, in which the students' final projects of the subject (39 women and 16 men), type of research and topic were analyzed. Except for small differences in some of the chosen topics, no significant differences were found. Therefore, this research demystifies the belief that digital technologies are for men and to open new ways of convergence and study on this topic.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Herrero, J. F. (2023). Motivations and interests in ICT according to the gender of the postgraduate students. Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 4(2), 26–33.


