Sustainable development, reduction of inequalities and education from a gender perspective




education, gender, equality, sustainable development, leadership


The present article studies the problem of gender inequality, and how the development of educational processes represents a key mechanism to transform the social dynamics that cause this phenomenon. This qualitative study was carried out in two phases. First, two focus groups were formed, one with women and one with men, with students of the third or fourth year of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Catholic University Redemptoris Mater, Nicaragua, to identify training needs in the community. In the second phase, specialists and facilitators who have taught courses on the subject were interviewed to gather good practices and experiences that would serve as a basis to suggest contents for the design of a postgraduate course. The results show a high level of acceptance of the people consulted. In addition, it is evident the importance of studying the historical aspects to lay the theoretical foundations on the subject, elements on gender violence and the different manifestations, and power relations in the current social context. Finally, it was necessary to include a unit focused on the Sustainable Development Goals as a global reference framework, as well as the topic of leadership to provide practical tools to potential participants of the course.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Loáisiga, K., Cardoza Mejía, N., & Molina Chávez , S. (2023). Sustainable development, reduction of inequalities and education from a gender perspective. Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 4(2), 34–47.


