University education for sustainable development: the disposition towards critical thinking of the postgraduate students in education




Sustainable Development Goals, open thinking, initial training, university teaching, sustainable skills


A key competency for advancing the 2030 Agenda is critical thinking. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to know the disposition towards critical thinking of the students of the Master’s degree in Educational Research (MER) and Master's degree in Academic Staff of Secondary Education (MASSE) of the University of Alicante (Spain). For this purpose, the quantitative method was used. The sample consisted of 54 participants and the instrument with which the data collection was carried out was the Critical Thinking Motivation Scale of Valenzuela (2007). The data analysis was conducted with SPSS v. 26 software. The main findings show that the usefulness of critical thinking was the most valued, followed by the factors importance and interest, while the factor that obtained the lowest average rating was expectation. When segregating the sample by the type of master's degree, some differences were found in the utility factor, being the MER students who gave a greater relevance. Participants were aware of the importance of acquiring critical thinking skills for their good professional and personal performance; However, they had few expectations of themselves. It is concluded that it is necessary to strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence through specific training programs.


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How to Cite

Gavilán-Martín, D., Vega-Ramírez, L., & Baena-Morales, S. (2023). University education for sustainable development: the disposition towards critical thinking of the postgraduate students in education. Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 4(2), 67–78.


