Financial management in transport cooperatives of the municipality of León -Nicaragua


  • Welmer Salmerón Delgado National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Nicaragua
  • Maria Espinoza Torres National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Nicaragua
  • Odalye Laguna Laguna National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Nicaragua
  • María Ruíz Sarria National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Nicaragua
  • Rosa Munguía Salgado National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Nicaragua
  • Daniela Lazo Ruíz National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Nicaragua



Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), financial management, financial planning


With current market demands, continuous changes are required in the financial management of organizations (Cabrera, Fuentes and Cerezo, 2017). In Nicaragua, the cooperative movement, despite its evolution in recent years, still has administration and management problems (Chamorro, Escampini, Gariazzo and Guido, 2007). This research aims to analyze the level of financial management of transport cooperatives in the municipality of León. An adapted questionnaire was applied for the analysis of financial management in SMEs, proposed by Vera (2012), consisting of 6 dimensions and 62 items. The questionnaire was applied through an interview with a field, non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive research design, in a sample of 7 cooperatives in the municipality of León. The main findings of this research show that transport cooperatives showed low conditions in relation to the mechanisms of strategic control (0.8214), the process of planning and financial control (0.8304), the financial planning (1.0179), the functional analysis of financial management (1.0179), and the financial parameters for long-term (1.0510) and short-term (1.0952) decision-making reached average values, the latter being the most far-reaching.


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How to Cite

Salmerón Delgado, W., Espinoza Torres, M., Laguna Laguna, O., Ruíz Sarria, M., Munguía Salgado, R., & Lazo Ruíz, D. (2021). Financial management in transport cooperatives of the municipality of León -Nicaragua. Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 2(1), 63–78.




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