Analysis of the effect of final consumption and gross investment on formal employment in Nicaragua (period 2009-2018)




employment, fiscal policy, consumption, investment, econometric model


This article analyzes the incidence of final consumption and gross investment in formal employment in the Nicaraguan economy (2009-2018), supported by Keynesian theory. Official data from the Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN) are used, and a correlational analysis is carried out with econometric modeling through the Ordinary least squares (OLS). The evolution of the variables shows an increasing trend throughout the period, only in 2018 that suffered a decrease due to the sociopolitical crisis, with the exception of gross investment, which has a fluctuating behavior, and its greatest decrease was in 2018. The economic activities that demanded the largest labor force were communal, social and personal services and manufacturing industry, and which in turn were the activities that strengthened the export sector.  Both, final consumption and gross investment have a positive effect on formal employment; the multiplier effect of public consumption that allows variation of final consumption is evident, this being the implementation of an expansionary fiscal policy (ceteris paribus), which allowed finding that final consumption is giving a greater contribution than gross investment, and both give rise to the stimulation of aggregate demand in order to increase production, allowing to offer a greater number of formal jobs..


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How to Cite

Lola, L. T., & Velázquez Vanegas, H. (2021). Analysis of the effect of final consumption and gross investment on formal employment in Nicaragua (period 2009-2018). Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 2(1), 27–36.


