Impact of neuromarketing on the positioning of a fast-food restaurant in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco




neuromarketing, consumers, behaviour, market positioning, restaurant


Nowadays, Neuromarketing is a tool widely used by large companies from various sectors that seek effective positioning in the consumer's mind, capturing a greater number of loyal customers. The restaurant sector is a clear example of this, in Tabasco this sector has been growing for some years. However, many of the new restaurants have problems to establish and stay, this is due to causes such as poor implementation of marketing strategies or financial problems. The aim of this research was to analyze the impact of Neuromarketing as an essential tool in the positioning of a fast-food restaurant. To do this, an instrument consisting of 14 items was used according to the Likert scale. The study was based on a sample of 50 individuals, which was calculated with a confidence level of 84% and a margin of error of 0.10, who agreed to voluntarily respond to the instrument. In order to obtain reliable, accurate and timely information, a quantitative and based on literature methodology was used. The results obtained show that Neuromarketing has a great impact on positioning a restaurant in the consumer's mind. In addition, the reasons that influence consumers to choose one restaurant over another are revealed, highlighting the factors, service received and presentation of the product. Finally, the advantages of Neuromarketing for the consumer were presented and Spearman's correlation was applied to obtain the level of relationship between the dependent and independent variable of this study.


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How to Cite

De la Cruz Álvarez, O., & Hernández Romero, G. (2021). Impact of neuromarketing on the positioning of a fast-food restaurant in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco. Notes on Economics and Society, 2(1), 04–19.


