About the Journal

Notes of Economy and Society,  ISSN 2709-7005 is an electronic publication that aims to disseminate research and extension results that are carried out both at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels at UNAN León and specifically at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. In the same way, it is a space for other national and international researchers, specialists, or experts in the different branches of the economic sciences, to publish their research.

Disseminate research and extension results that are carried out both at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels at UNAN León and specifically at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Similarly, it is a space for other national and international researchers, specialists, or experts in the different branches of the economic sciences, to publish their research.

Notes on Economy and Society is aimed at teachers-researchers, students, professionals and institutions related to the economic and social sciences.

The specific topics addressed in the publication correspond to the Research Lines of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, or any topic related to the economic and social field.

The lines of research are as follows:

  • Analysis of economic and social development
  • Quality in competitiveness in the business sector
  • Research and development for innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Business Management Analysis
  • Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment
  • Analysis of public policies and their impact on the economy of the country
  • Application of ICT as development tools
  • Development of marketing strategies and tools
  • Financial management analysis
  • Microeconomic studies of production and consumption
  • International economic analysis and globalization

The publication has a semi-annual continue periodicity and will be organized into volumes, Contact email: apunteseconomia@ce.unanleon.edu.ni

Politica de Acceso
ISSN: 2709-7005 - Copyright (©) National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, UNAN León, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Licencia de Creative Commons
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL - Notes on Economy and Society by National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, UNAN León is licensed under a licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional 

