Metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) after food intake in salinities of 0, 10 and 20 ppt


  • Katherinne Osorio Urtecho National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leòn
  • Dalia Lumbi National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • Karen Palacios National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • Ariel Aguilar National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • Marlon Albarenga National Autonomous University of Honduras
  • Jaime López National Autonomous University of Honduras



Glucose, Aminoacids, Glycogen, Intake, Stress


The objective of this research was to determine the variation of glucose and amino acid levels in blood and glycogen levels in tissue (liver and brain) of red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) after food intake in salinity from 0(T1 ),10(T2), and 20ppt(T3). Six experimental tanks (TE) were established for each salt concentration. Fish were anesthetized using MS-222. To evaluate glucose and amino acids in plasma, 1 mL of blood was taken from the caudal vein and tissue samples were taken to evaluate glycogen from 0 hours to 20 hours, with an interval of 4 hours between sampling (1TE=4 hours). The results show a significant increase in postprandial glycemia in the three treatments, which remain constant until 20 hours after the end of the experiment. In general, it is observed a increase in plasma glucose level in cultured fish at T 2 and T3 with respect to T 1, at times of zero and four hours. On the other hand, amino acid levels increase significantly up to 8 hours in the three treatments,T3 being the one with the greatest significant increase with respect to T1 and T2. Similarly, in liver and brain glycogen levels show a growing trend of concentrations after 4 hours, in the three treatments. Likewise , the maximum concentration of tissue glycogen is observed after 20 hours postprandial .Therefore , these results suggest that fish cultured at 20 ppt



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Author Biographies

Katherinne Osorio Urtecho, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leòn

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Dalia Lumbi, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Karen Palacios, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Ariel Aguilar, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Marlon Albarenga, National Autonomous University of Honduras

National Autonomous University of Honduras

Jaime López, National Autonomous University of Honduras

National Autonomous University of Honduras


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How to Cite

Osorio Urtecho, K., Lumbi, D., Palacios, K., Aguilar, A., Albarenga, M., & López, J. (2017). Metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) after food intake in salinities of 0, 10 and 20 ppt. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 8(1), 21–33.




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