Characterization of fleas (order siphonaptera) and factors that predispose to proliferation in canines


  • Dr. Delvin Alonso Borge Matute National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • Dra. Joseling Denissa Aráuz Velásquez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • Milton Francisco Úbeda Olivas National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • Dr. Alba Luz Rivas Borge National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León



ectoparasites, host, fleas, pulicosis, arthropods.


This research consists of the characterization and description of fleas of the order Siphonaptera of veterinary interest and the factors that predispose their proliferation in domestic canines. The risks of zoonoses favored by the attachment relationship that exists between pets and humans constitute a risk to public health. Being a retrospective descriptive study, 83 domestic canines were sampled in the urban area of the city of Jinotega, which has a population of 13,043 canines (SILAIS 2020). From the individuals, 251 ectoparasites were collected that were later identified in the laboratory of the Marlon Zelaya Cruz University campus of Jinotega.The identified individuals were tabulated in a data matrix to calculate the ecological indices and factors that predispose proliferation by correlating abundance with host variables, economic indices, and fur morphology. Three species were identified: Ctenocephalides felis (73%), Ctenocephalides canis (26%), and Pulex irritans (1%). At the same time, intrinsic factors of the individuals and their relationship with the presence of ectoparasites were statistically analyzed using Pearson's correlation, determining that Siphonapteros do not have absolute specificity and the phenomenon of proliferation could be related to the sanitary management of the owners.


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Author Biographies

Dr. Delvin Alonso Borge Matute, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

Veterinary doctor, UNICAM Jinotega.

Dra. Joseling Denissa Aráuz Velásquez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Zootechnician veterinarian, CUR-Jinotega.

Milton Francisco Úbeda Olivas, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

Biologist with mention in Natural Resources Administration, URKU Amazon Studies.

Dr. Alba Luz Rivas Borge, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Veterinary doctor, CUR-Jinotega.


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How to Cite

Borge Matute, D. D. A. ., Aráuz Velásquez, D. J. D. ., Úbeda Olivas, M. F. ., & Rivas Borge, D. A. L. . (2022). Characterization of fleas (order siphonaptera) and factors that predispose to proliferation in canines. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 13(1), 1–5.


