Instructions for authors
In the Law Journal, research and outreach results, publications, academic activities, meetings, and other experiences of professionals and groups working in the field of law in Nicaragua and beyond our borders are presented.
With the aim of promoting greater participation of faculty researchers, students, professionals, and institutions related to legal and social sciences, and streamlining the journal's editing process, the following guidelines must be observed by contributors:
The Law Journal aims to contribute to the scientific and technical development of the legal sector in Nicaragua by disseminating research results conducted by faculty members of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, as well as collaborators, and to enhance the national and international visibility of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, León. The journal welcomes works on various topics and at different levels (basic, applied, and basic-applied).
Scientific-technical articles are welcome and may be written from the perspective of a specific discipline or with a multi- and interdisciplinary approach. Article topics may include opinions, forums, and debates on innovative practices, new technologies, among others.
Any individual, legal entity, or corporate body may be an author. The author is solely responsible for preparing and submitting complete articles, including text, tables, graphics, photos, and other illustrations. Articles must be original and unpublished; in exceptional cases, adapted versions of previous publications may be accepted. The author must submit their articles with a cover letter requesting publication. The journal is not responsible for the opinions and statements expressed by authors in its pages, as these do not necessarily reflect the institution's viewpoint.
Articles will be accepted in printed and electronic formats, prepared in Microsoft Word (specifying the version) and using Windows or compatible operating systems. They must be submitted in double spacing with standard margins, numbered pages, and an indication of the order of tables, graphics, photographs, and illustrations. Each table, graphic, or illustration must have its own caption.
Articles must include the author's name, the faculty where they work, and the program or project they are involved in. A full mailing address, fax number, and the corresponding author’s email must also be provided for editorial correspondence.
Other Forms of Publication
All articles submitted for publication in the journal must be sent to the editor-in-chief, both in print and electronic formats, following the specifications mentioned above. Articles should be double-spaced with standard margins and may be accompanied by high-quality graphic material, original tables, and graphics.
Depending on the type of submission, manuscripts should be between one and twelve double-spaced pages (including the abstract and references). The editorial committee will evaluate the length of each article and decide on its publication, including the possibility of splitting longer works into successive issues of the journal.
Manuscripts must have 2.5 cm margins on all sides and be printed on letter-sized paper (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm) in Times New Roman, size 12 font. Pages must be numbered sequentially (1, 2, 3...).
Authors are encouraged to use clear language, short titles, concise paragraphs, and avoid long subordinate clauses.
The author is responsible for the content of their manuscript. The text must be clear and free from spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors. The editorial committee does not assume responsibility for correcting spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Manuscripts will be reviewed by a language specialist before being returned to the author for final adjustments, including verification of arithmetic calculations, statistical data, numerical figures, cited texts, and bibliographic references.
Tables and Figures
All tables, figures, and illustrations may be created using photography, drawings, scanning, photographic reduction, or spreadsheet software. Each table, figure, or illustration must be placed on a separate page or inserted within the text, avoiding redundancy. Symbols such as ¶, #, §, ¥, etc., may be used to clarify information, along with exact p-values for statistical significance levels.
Article Types
The journal accepts the following types of submissions:
- Technical Report: Presents and discusses research and experimental results for practical application. It provides new insights concisely, following the prescribed structure. Maximum length: 12 double-spaced pages.
- Technical Note: Preliminary research findings, serving as provisional or initial information. Maximum length: 8 double-spaced pages.
- Review or Analysis Article: A brief analysis of existing literature or studies in a specific legal or social science field, highlighting advancements, contradictions, and trends. Maximum length: 12 double-spaced pages.
- Forum: A section dedicated to discussing key issues in the legal field concisely and well-founded. Maximum length: 5 double-spaced pages.
- Communications: Presents noteworthy cases that could serve as a foundation for further studies. Maximum length: 5 double-spaced pages, including references and supporting figures or tables.
- Report: Provides an update on research progress or project phases over a set time frame, without detailing methodologies. Maximum length: 5 double-spaced pages.
- Publication Review: Features recent publications, book reviews, abstracts, and summaries of dissertations. Maximum length: 1 page.
- News: Covers training events, conferences, seminars, workshops, and research project updates. Maximum length: 1 page.
Measurement Units
The metric system (SI) must be used. If a local unit is used, its international equivalent must be provided, e.g., 10 mz (7.03 ha).
Scientific Articles Content
Articles must include the following sections:
- Title: A clear and concise title (maximum 15 words) that accurately reflects the content. It should be centered, in uppercase, and follow the specified font and size.
- Authors: The main author should be listed first, followed by co-authors, with names and surnames (without academic titles). Affiliations should be stated below, left-aligned.
- Abstract: Must be written in Spanish and English, in a single paragraph (maximum 250 words each), summarizing the study's purpose, methodology, and key conclusions. Quantitative research results should be highlighted.
- Keywords: Four to seven keywords, distinct from the title, should be provided to facilitate bibliographic searches.
- Abbreviations: All abbreviations used in the text must be defined. A list of common abbreviations may be included. Standard scientific abbreviations (e.g., etc., i.e., e.g.) need not be listed.
- Introduction: Clearly outlines the importance, justification, and background of the study, integrating a literature review within the introduction rather than in a separate section. Citations must be relevant and precise. The research purpose and objectives should be stated at the end.
- Materials and Methods: Describes the materials, procedures, measurement units, and statistical treatments used. The methodology should be detailed enough to allow replication.
- Results and Discussion: Presents findings logically and objectively, with supporting tables and figures. Data should not be repeated in both text and tables/figures. Results must be interpreted clearly, and their significance should be discussed in relation to existing literature. Speculative explanations must be supported by references or logical reasoning.
- Conclusions: Provides definitive, evidence-based conclusions related to the study, avoiding assumptions. They must align with the abstract.
- References: Listed in alphabetical and chronological order, formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines.
Example References:
- Books: Tapia, H.; Camacho, A. (1988). Integrated Control of Common Bean Production in Zero Tillage. GTZ, Managua, NI, 189 p.
- Theses: Salmerón, O.D. (1996). Weed Dynamics and Yield of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under Dead Mulch and Fertilization. Bachelor's thesis, National Agrarian University, Managua, NI, 64 p.
- Journal Articles: Liebman, M.; Corson, S.; Rowe, R.; Halteman, W. (1995). Dry Bean Responses to Nitrogen Fertilizer in Two Tillage and Residue Management Systems. Agronomy Journal, 87, 538-546.