Linear applicators over real variable polynomials, such as preuniversity teaching strategy


  • Mynor Rios Hernández National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • William Carvajal Herradora National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León



Polynomial, Derivative, Integral, Applicator, Transcendent Function, Power Series


A didactic extension on the use of polynomials is proposed for the continuity of the basic study on the applications of both algebraic and transcendent elementary functions in the preuniversity, so that a previous and implicit approach with the infinitesimal calculation is obtained, developing in the student mathematical skills of derivation and integration of polynomials through the linear applicators φ and ψ who perform this task respectively.


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Author Biographies

Mynor Rios Hernández, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

William Carvajal Herradora, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies
Department of Mathematics and Statistics


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How to Cite

Rios Hernández, M., & Carvajal Herradora, W. (2019). Linear applicators over real variable polynomials, such as preuniversity teaching strategy. Universitas (León), 10(1), 1–8.



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