Use of Augmented Reality as a didactic means for the curricular component of Computer Repair and Maintenance taught in the courses offered by the Computer Department of UNAN-León


  • Julio González Moreno National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon
  • Jairo Mayorga Delgado National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon
  • Winston Mendoza Castro National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon
  • Juan Midence Pérez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon



Augmented Reality, Qualcomm Vuforia SDK (QCAR), Unity 3D, C# Script


The article presents the use of the Augmented Reality (AR) technology as a didactic tool for the curriculum component of Computer Repair and Maintenance, which is taught in the courses offered by the UNAN-León Computer Department. Of the type magazine was designed and developed an application for mobile devices with Android platform in conjunction with a printed graphic medium of the magazine type. The main idea is that the student uses, together with the application, the mobile device and the camera of the device, the printed magazine to be placed on top of the marks indicating the presence of content with Augmented Reality; The contents shown with the Augmented Reality enrich even more the information provided by the magazine itself, showing: videos, images, texts, textures in third dimension, etc. Allowing to capture the student's interest in the contents shown. A graphic medium is used because it is a didactic tool of support that illustrates in an attractive way the subjects to be approached in conjunction with the use of the Augmented Reality, offering to the student an interaction with virtual elements in real time superposing them in images denominated markers. The application is developed using the Unity 3D graphics engine which integrates the development environment MonoDevelop, which allows working with a variant of the CSharp programming language, all using the development kit for Augmented Reality offered by Qualcomm Vuforia SDK.


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Author Biographies

Julio González Moreno, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies

Computer department teacher

Jairo Mayorga Delgado, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies

Information Systems Engineering student

Winston Mendoza Castro, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies

Information Systems Engineering student

Juan Midence Pérez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies Information Systems Engineering student


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How to Cite

González Moreno, J., Mayorga Delgado, J., Mendoza Castro, W., & Midence Pérez, J. (2016). Use of Augmented Reality as a didactic means for the curricular component of Computer Repair and Maintenance taught in the courses offered by the Computer Department of UNAN-León. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 7(1), 23–33.


