Academic performance and learning styles in Nicaraguan university students
academic performance, learning style, CHAEA, Nicaraguan students.Eliminar academic performance, learning style, CHAEA, Nicaraguan students.Abstract
This study has the purpose of analyzing the relationship between learning styles - academic performance in university students who take the Organic Chemistry II component of the 2019 plan. The type of study is quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional, with a descriptive and correlational approach. A sample of 96 students who took the component in the second semester of 2023, the sample was non-probabilistic for convenience. The Honey and Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire (CHAEA) with 36 items was used. For the analysis, the SPSS version 25.0 program was used, performing descriptive and inferential analysis using Pearson's Chi square test, with a significance level of 0.05, the result shows that there is no statistically significant relationship between both variables: learning style-academic performance, learning style-sex-learning style-age, learning style-place of origin of the student. The largest number of students who take the Organic Chemistry II component obtain a grade of Good, it is concluded that the students have developed learning styles that have allowed them to respond to the demands of the subject, showing that there is no single style, but rather the combination of style and the most prevalent is reflective-pragmatic style, followed by the theoretical-reflective and pragmatic style, the CHAEA questionnaire identified the prevalence of students with a combined learning style and few students with pure learning styles.
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