About the Journal

The objectives of the scientific journal Universitas (León) are:

Ensure the timely and systematic dissemination of the research work of our University, of the Nicaraguan and international scientific community, within the institution, at the local, national and international levels.
-Contribute to the continuous improvement of the investigative work through the dissemination of the results at the local and national level.

-Facilitate the linking of researchers from UNAN-León with their counterparts in the rest of the country and in other countries, through the exchange of experience and information between researchers from this institution and those from other institutions that allow the establishment of collaborative links scientific
Contribute to the full development of the potential of the institution's researchers,

-Foster leadership among researchers at our educational institution.
Scope of the Journal:

Aimed at Nicaraguan society as an official means of disseminating the scientific work of UNAN-León, a national and international scientific community.

Temporality: Initially the magazine will have a semester edition, resulting in 2 volumes per year.

Content: research to be published are the following: scientific article, research note, and research essay.

Each volume will have an editorial letter that describes in general terms the content of the volume. This letter can be drawn up by the authorities or personalities designated by the editorial committee.

Only scientific articles resulting from original and unpublished research works, which have not been published, will be published. They must conform to the following content:
I. Title
II. Authors
III. Resume
IV. Keywords
V. introduction
SAW. Methodological design, materials and equipment
VII. Results and Discussion
VIII. Conclusions
IX. Thanks
X. Bibliography
XI. Annexes

Research note: Refers to a publication that contains preliminary and transcendent results that the author deems convenient to publish prior to the conclusion of the research, considering it of utmost importance, and must be adjusted to the content of the previously presented scientific article.

Research Essay:
Refers to a resulting research work
of the analysis of the literature on important topics
and current for the scientific community, in
where, the author expresses his opinion and establishes his
conclusions on the subject matter.
It must conform to the following content:
I. Title
II. Authors
III. Resume
IV. Keywords
V. introduction
SAW. Results and Discussion
VII. Conclusions
VIII. Thanks
IX. Bibliography
X. Annexes
Editorial rules:
The following rules will govern the process of presentation, evaluation and publication of the research results that are submitted for publication to the journal:
1. The articles can be of individual or collective authorship, the results of research works that will be published are the following: scientific article, research note, and research essay. Students who have participated as co-researchers can be included as co-authors and must be unpublished, original and must not be presented in other scientific journals. Indicate
who (s) is the author responsible for the publication by means of a superscript in their name.
Manuscripts must be written in Microsoft Word, “letter” paper size (8.5 ”× 11”) and 12pt font, Times New Roman typeface, one and a half lines spacing (1.5). The publication may contain tables, drawings, figures and must be presented in the manuscript in a coherent and orderly manner.
Publications with the interest of publishing them must be sent in electronic format by email to Dr. Evenor Martínez González, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal's Editorial Board, at the following address: evenormg1@yahoo.com, who will send it for evaluation to a member of the editorial board, who will have two weeks to issue a favorable opinion to publish, not favorable, and conditionally favorable subject to corrections that he will indicate and communicate to the author.
In the case of articles approved for publication conditioned to corrections, they will have a period of one week for those of form and he will set the time period for content corrections. After these periods of time, they will be sent as appropriate in point 3 and there will be one week to issue an opinion.
Once reviewed by the evaluator, the author will be notified of the acceptance or rejection decision, in the case of acceptance, the author will evaluate the publication to suggest any change in form or endorse the evaluator's decision after final consideration by the editorial committee.
Once the publication is approved, it will be submitted to the editorial committee for its final evaluation and decision to accept and schedule the publication edition, assessing the availability of space and relevance of the object and scope of the research. This decision will be communicated within a month after receipt of the publication to the
corresponding author.
The published research papers are the intellectual property of the authors and express their opinion and not necessarily the editorial committee of the journal.
Copies (photocopies) of the publications may be made without the express authorization of the magazine's editorial committee and their authors.
As a courtesy, the authors of accepted research papers will receive a printed copy of the journal, and if they request it in writing, an electronic copy

Vol 5 (1) August 2014

Vol 5 (2) November 2014

Vol 6 (1) July 2015

Vol 6 (2) November 2015

Vol 7 (1) July 2016

Vol 7 (2) November 2016

Vol 8 (1) July 2017

Vol 8 (2) December 2017

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

This magazine has no charge policy for its publication. Readers will be able to download, copy, distribute and print, search or access the full text of published articles.

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives in the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. More...

  • RePEc: Research Papers in Economics
  • EconPapers
2007 Semiannual, published in November

2008 Semiannual, published in May and November

2009 Semiannual, published in July and November




2013 Semiannual published in July

2014 Semiannual, published in August and November

We use a double blind pair system for review; Identities of both reviewers and authors remain anonymous. The document will be reviewed by at least two experts: a member of the editorial staff and at least one external reviewer. The review process can take two to three weeks.