

Jus Cogens, Erga Omnes, Protocol of Tegucigalpa, Central American Court of Justice, International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, Charter of the United Nations, Charter of Bogotá, Common Heritage of Humanity.


The author of this conference succinctly presents the importance of jus cogens for the International and Central American Community, since there can not be an international, inter-American or Central American order, without the protection and respect for the fundamental principles of nature erga omnes contemplated in the UN Charter, in the Charter of the OAS, in the Protocol of Tegucigalpa and in other international instruments. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 in article 53 establishes the requirements for a rule of international law to be accepted as jus cogens. And Article 64 of that instrument establishes the retroactive nature of the rules of jus cogens: "If a peremptory norm of general international law emerges, any existing instrument that is in opposition to that norm will become null and void." The doctrine makes coincide the interests of the International Community as a whole with those that transcend the States or that respond to the essential legal minimum that the International Community requires for its survival. The jurisprudence of the courts of justice are plagued by rules of jus cogens to protect the most sacred rights and fundamental freedoms of the human being. The norms of jus cogens are for the universal, inter-American or community system, the ground norm as the Political Constitution is for the national State.


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Author Biography

Orlando Guerrero Mayorga, Dr., Universidad Centroamericana, UCA

Secretary General of the Central American Court of Justice Doctor in Public International Law Complutense University Madrid, Spain 1987 Cum Lauden Diploma in International Relations Diplomatic School of Madrid Spain 1980 Professor of International Public Law and International Relations: Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) Universidad Americana (UAM) and Universidad American College (UAC)


 J. A. CARRILLO SALCEDO: “Soberanía del Estado y Derecho Internacional”. Madrid. 1976, pp 284-285.
 J.A PASTOR RIDRUEJO: “Curso de Derecho Internacional Público y Organizaciones Internacionales”. DECIMO SÉPTIMA EDICIÓN, Madrid. Editorial Tecnos. pp 42-46.
 Miaja de la Muela, Aportación de la Sentencia del Tribunal de la Haya en el caso Barcelona Traction (5 de febrero de 1970) a la jurisprudencia internacional. Cuadernos de la Cátedra “Brown Scott” Valladolid, 1970, pp-73-74.
 GUERRERO MAYORGA: “El Caso Augusto Pinochet” Revista de la Universidad Centroamericana ENCUENTRO, AÑO XXXIII/No. 57/2001. Pp-102-108.
 GUERRERO MAYORGA: “Nicaragua en la Defensa de su Soberanía y de los Principios Fundamentales del Derecho Internacional Público”. 1ª edi, Editorial Universitaria, UNAN- León 2012. pp 31-32.
 Portal de la Corte Centroamericana de Justicia:
 Véase: O GUERRERO MAYORGA “Recopilación de Textos Básicos de Derecho Internacional Público 1ª ed. Managua. SOMARRIBA 1999”: las Naciones Unidas, Carta de la OEA, Protocolo de Tegucigalpa, Convención de Viena sobre Derecho de los Tratados de 1969.
 Normas Fundamentales DE LOS CONVENIOS DE GINEBRA. Editado por el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, Ginebra 1983.



How to Cite

Guerrero Mayorga, O. (2019). THE JUS COGENS THE GROUND NORM OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. Journal of Law of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, 2(1), 1–15. Retrieved from


