
  • Yaoska del Socorro González Cano Bussines one Coffe Export


Tributary culture, tax evasión, tributary consciousnes.


The objective of this article is to highlight the importance of establishing a tributary culture in our country as it would have major impact to our national economy. If it could be demonstrated that government authorities invest in the well-being and development of our society, it would help build the confidence and credibility of any government. Having acceptance and support from all the citizens, we could propose a tributary culture where we all pay taxes without exception, from small business owners to big corporations, based on the principle of proportionality which states that the contributions should be relative to the payment capacity of each person or individual. No Nicaraguan that performs any type of economic activity should be exempt from paying taxes. The biggest challenge is to create a level of tributary consciousness among Nicaraguans that will allow our country to make progress, for the future generations, where tributary evasion is abolished.


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Author Biography

Yaoska del Socorro González Cano, Bussines one Coffe Export

Payment manager and tax and customs tax returns of bussines one Coffe Export. Degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua. UNAN-León, Law Degree from the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua. UNAN-León.



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How to Cite

González Cano, Y. del S. (2020). TOWARDS A TAX CULTURE AND THE CORRECT APPLICATION OF VAT EXEMPTIONS. Journal of Law of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, 3(1), 30–59. Retrieved from


