Analysis of the murder crime: special reference to the circumstances of crime and cruelty regarding the entry into force of Law No. 952


  • Fernando Sinar Tercero López


Murder, crime, life, treachery, cruelty, criminal law, victim, Criminal Code.


The article proposes an analysis of the crime of murder, in particular reference to the circumstances of treachery and cruelty, with regard to the entry into force of Law No. 952. Starting from identifying some problematic aspects or successes that can be generated, in reference to the new qualifying circumstances of the murder introduced by Law No. 952.  However, I have understood that the legislator has involuted his criteria regarding the configurative circumstances of the crime of murder, which makes it strictly criticizable from the criminal political approach that entails the current configuration of this typical figure with respect to the current phenomenon, which seeks to encompass Through this analysis, with it, seek the best knowledge, interpretation and application in the criminal justice system.


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Author Biography

Fernando Sinar Tercero López

Secretary of the Criminal District of the Judicial Complex of León, (Supreme Court of Justice-Nicaragua). Specialist in Criminal Law, UNAN-León (2018). Law degree from the same University (2015).


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How to Cite

Tercero López, F. S. (2019). Analysis of the murder crime: special reference to the circumstances of crime and cruelty regarding the entry into force of Law No. 952. Journal of Law of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, 1(1), 317–341. Retrieved from