Protection of industrial property within the framework of business activity in light of Nicaraguan criminal legislation: special reference to the crime of illegal commercial use of trademarks and other signs


  • Jessica Alexandra Flores Páiz


Intellectual Property, Copyright, Industrial Property, Criminal Law, Legal right protected.


The Thesis makes an analysis about the protection of the Intellectual property, with emphasis in the criminal tutelage of the Industrial property, from the perspective of business activity or commerce in our country. In order to study the criminal tutelage of the Industrial property in Nicaragua, it has been done a series of reviews of the special extra-penal norms that regulate them, likewise the review of other branches of the law that have direct relationship with the law of Intellectual property and Industrial, and finally the analysis of the commonalities of the related offenses to the Industrial property. It is a study that show the general panorama of the protection that the juridic order offer to the immaterial property owners that have been created from the core of the business activity, and the relevance of the registry of intangibles deeds as a fundamental requirement in order to enjoy in full the rights given by the Intellectual property or Industrial.


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Author Biography

Jessica Alexandra Flores Páiz

Lawyer and Notary Public of the Republic of Nicaragua. Degree in Social Communication from the UCA-Managua (2012). Law degree from UNAN-León (2015). Master in Law with emphasis on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law by UNAN-León (2019).


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How to Cite

Flores Páiz, J. A. (2019). Protection of industrial property within the framework of business activity in light of Nicaraguan criminal legislation: special reference to the crime of illegal commercial use of trademarks and other signs. Journal of Law of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, 1(1), 53–110. Retrieved from